The Honey...

RAW, Unpasterized and Pasteurized Honey

  Honey is primarily a safe food for most people, but not for all. It should never be feed to a child or infants under the age of 18 months. This is because all types of honey regardless of it has been pasteurized or not, may contain Clostridium botulinum, spores of bacteria that can causes botulism in young infants and children. 

  This is because, typically those under the age of 18 months, their immune system is still developing and are at risk. Infant botulism can cause them to get very sick. Although it is rare it is a serious illness that attacks the child’s nerves system, muscle movement problems and breathing difficulties, a very serious gastrointestinal condition. For this reason you should not use and give any honey to those in this age group, NOT even a tiny little taste.
  Those also that are sensitive or allergic to specific food components, should avoid or seek medical advice before indulging their first taste of honey. If you’ve never tried honey and it’s your first time. Consider only a small little taste at first, to see if you may have any unknown issues with this sweet natural sweeter and more.

There lots of views on honey and it’s natural benefits as a health food. As all things more studies are required to work through all these claims but there is some supposed research that supports the following:
   • Antioxidant – (Flavonoids & Polyphenols) Supposedly helps the body against certain types of cell damage.
   • Anti-Inflammatory Effects  (Antioxidants) Help protect the body from inflammation, a variety of heart issues, cancer, and autoimmune disorders.
   • Cough Relief
   • Minerals & Compounds – about 30+ different minerals like, Manganese, Selenium, Potassium, Calcium, Niacin, and amino acids.
   • Cholesterol, apparently studies indicate honey can help reduce it.
   • Wound and burn healing – Honeys been used to assist and improve wound healing because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  Apparently, there are about 300+ types of honeys worldwide which vary depending on their geographic location and floral sources, their nectar. It is for this reason we must look at all the current research and see what honey had been used in that study and, for what reason. 

  Again, were not by any means, medical professionals, or science scholars, to say or state with any assurance, that the prior or any claims, that all honey if any, contains all that’s been stated above or elsewhere. This is what we've came across in our many searches about honey and what’s being imply as such, to the best of our knowledge.
   All Real Pure Honey Crystallizes at some point in time.  This process will vary depending on the proportions of natural sugars, fructose, and glucose, in all real RAW honey.

   The higher the proportion of fructose to glucose would generally result into a slower crystallization process. But rest assured, depending on temperature / time, all REAL honey will crystallize at some point. Crystallization is a natural process, and it is not a sign of adulteration or spoilage.

  Adulteration, the blending of honey with other non-honey sweeteners, is a whole other problem.  Adulteration is why it is highly recommended that honey be purchased locally and from a reliable, reputable Beekeeper or Provider.  If real pure honey has crystallized and liquid honey is desired, simply warm the honey slowly.  I found one method to be the simplest way to accomplish the thermal liquefaction of honey. (Heating crystalized honey to liquid honey).

  For more information about the thermal liquefaction of crystalized honey, click the link provided.

Crystalized Honey
  More research and studies are needed, so you should do the same.  Don’t simply accept our words as facts, do your own research and searches. You then can decide for your self if there's facts or only folly in them hills, known as the internet.

Happ-bee safe sweet day...
Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural Ontario Honey
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Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural RAW Ontario Honey 
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