
New - Ontario Floral Fusion Honey Batch One 500g

NEW - Ontario Floral Fusion Honey, is our only mixed honey. Because we do not blend our honeys, this process creates honey that has a certain amount of honey that is mixed while we switch between our yards during the honey extraction stage. We capture this mixed honey and store it separately from the yard honey that's being extracted. This is to ensure at our best, that each location's honey stays true and from that bee yard. Each batch of Ontario Floral Fusion Honey is in it's self, unique in flavor, colour, taste and aroma, since its recipe depends on the yards that have been extracted at that time. Batch One contains honey from: Coldwater, Greenock, East Caledon Hillside and Valley, Cambridge, Tosorontio, and Tottenham bee yards. Give it a try and decide for yourself. Feedback is always welcome.

Happ-bee Day… 😊

  • 2022 Harvest Season - New
  • 100% Pure Real Ontario Honey
  • Wildflower Honey
  • Mixed Honey due to our Extraction Process.
  • Unpasteurized
  • Gently gravity filtered to remove large and very small wax / other pieces during the extraction process.
  • Process temperatures between (26­°C - 38°C)
  • Liquid Honey is temperature / time sensitive.
  • This honey may-bee naturally crystallized.

Please Note:  All real honey will crystallize. This is a natural process that all real honeys achieve, to preserve its quality and flavor uniqueness.  To find out more about natural honey crystallization and how to liquify it should you desire, check out our page on “The Honey”.

Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural Ontario Honey
Graphic Details! © 2024 North York, Ontario Canada
Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural RAW Ontario Honey 
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