Golden Goo Adopt-A-Hive Logo 01

Adopt-A-Hive Program

About the Program

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Golden Goo’s Adopt-A-Hive Program, was established to assist individuals with interests in the world of bees, their plight and value, but are unable to care for honeybees themselves. In this program, Golden Goo looks after all the physical stewardship and beehive care within Golden Goo’s established Bee Yards.  Golden Goo remains the sole owner and caregiver for all hives in the program. Ultimately, we all share in the rewards and benefits of this program.

Golden Goo’s Adopt-A-Hive Program, was established to assist individuals with interests in the world of bees, their plight and value, but are unable to care for honeybees themselves. In this program, Golden Goo looks after all the physical stewardship and beehive care within Golden Goo’s established Bee Yards.  Golden Goo remains the sole owner and caregiver for all hives in the program. Ultimately, we all share in the rewards and benefits of this program.

Golden Goo Honey
Golden Goo Adopt-A-Hive

Don’t have the time or space to care for honeybees, our Adopt-A-Hive Program may bee for you. We do it all and some. As a member in our program your able to select and adopt established hives already in our care with out any worries of doing anything or having enough space for their care.

No need to chat with neighbours that may have issues with bee and beehives. 

No need to purchase ANY Bee equipment or additional safety gear.

You simply select a hive(s) you’d like to support from our numerous Bee Yards throughout the many communities around Ontario and that’s it. We do the rest. At the end of the season, with fingers crossed and all goes as hoped, your also rewarded through your support, your membership, with our “Sweet Rewards”, Honey!  

Your Membership in this program provides monetary assistance, with the possibility of Sweet Rewards at the conclusion of the honey harvest season. To find out more about our Adopt-A-Hive Program, fill out the contact form below and we'll go from there.

Simple, Clean, and Sweet!

Adopt-A-Hive Contact Form

Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural Ontario Honey
Graphic Details! © 2025 North York, Holland Centre, Ontario Canada
Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Real Pure Natural RAW Ontario Honey 
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