About Us

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What We Do

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Join Our Team

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A bit about us…

After many years of developing an interest in and fascination with bees, Golden Goo officially began its story in 2014. After two more years of focused study, courses, research, and planning, in January 2016, Golden Goo received its wings, and the business began this adventure.

Our first Bee Yard was established in the spring of 2016, with two hives located in the Coldwater, Ontario, area. New and eager participants received word about our program and their found interest helped contributed to our gradual growth ever since that first spring smile. Currently we have approximately 170 hives, placed in 25 Bee Yards from Orillia in the east, to Glammis in the west, and south toward the GTA. We currently now provide several programs for those that would like to support all things in the World of Bees and Native Pollinators.

We currently operate a Honeybee Placement Program, a Wildflower Pollinator Program and NEW in 2022, the Adopt-A-Hive Program. This latter program is quite unique, tailored to those who would like to participate at some level in the care of bees / honeybees, but do not have the time, resources, space, or knowledge to host honeybees. The Adopt-A-Hive Program also includes some Sweet Rewards (honey) at the end of the harvest season. Of course, the quantity of Sweet Rewards depends on your adopted hives’ honey yields. Sweet indeed! This program not only rewards participants at some level, but their membership also supports other organizations, research, studies, and education of the World of Bees and our Native Pollinators.

We also contribute to local Food assistance programs through our “coins from the heart, for the heart”.  We share a portion of every season’s honey collection with these community programs to support those in need.

The World of Bees and Native Pollinators is always changing. We try our best to remain current and informed through memberships in local, regional, and national bee organizations.

If you would like to know more about Golden Goo, honeybees, and their world, please reach out.

Happ-bee safe Day… 😊

Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural Ontario Honey
Graphic Details! © 2024 North York, Ontario Canada
Golden Goo ®  ~  100% Pure Real Natural RAW Ontario Honey 
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