The Golden Goo Story
In 2014 the business concept began.
A rekindling of a passed personal interest and fascination was again re-envisioned.
This golden path bee-gan to refine, take form, and then gain realization filled with possibility, opportunity and passion.
In 2015 options and ideas swirled in the grey matter, while inspiration took hold in a melody of creativity and vision. Personal development through education, research, effort, fate, and that ever so encompassing fortune, Luck, took hold.
In 2016, Golden Goo was established.
Our mission is to promote sustainable honeybee stewardship through education, research, and best practices,
while pursuing pure, distinguished honeybee products with excellence and care.
Our business Slogan:
“We are as natural as Nature and Nature is it. 100% Pure Ontario Honeybee Honey. Nothing more, Nothing less…”
(did you know that Honey bees aren't the only insects that makes honey ).
Since our beginning we've grown and expanded gradually. Bumps, bears and other tribulations, that's for sure, but so have been the many rewards. There is a satisfaction with sharing our world of flying ladies, the honeybees. We continually try to keep current with the ever growing knowledge base surrounding the plights and challenges facing bees through research, education, lectures and so much more. Their success and wellbeing is in return. our success and yours. We are all very familiar with the fact that 70% of our food is directly or indirectly connected to pollinators including our hard working ladies. Without them, our world as we know it, would bee completely different. If you would like to know more, please reach out, and we will go from there.
Happ-bee day... 😊